Rape culture - her story

A crippling fog has enshrouded society for as long as any woman can remember, nesting within the impressionable morals those who have become accustomed to it; beginning to fester, and polluting their minds. We've been in the eye of the storm for too long, and the number of people who have opened their eyes to these infected ideas blossoming around them is growing quickly, as quickly as those trying to keep everyone as blasé about the issues as they are. And as shrewd as they are not, they've been doing a good job of it.
Rape culture has been ignored, denied and disregarded for years. This increased awareness has been gradual, and as is tradition with revolutions, after every small injustice more eyes become unclosed to the distorted world around them. The world in which we live is one where so many girls, and others, feel like their own streets are a never-ending labyrinth of panicked head turning at even a smallest flicker of a sickly yellow street light. 
People really believe that this isn't there, that it's some fantasy conjured up in the minds of so-called crazy feminists who have nothing better to do than give men everywhere a bad name. And so some of these men claim that it's really out of their control whether they rape someone or not – they were asking for it. She was all over him, look at the way she was dressed in fish net tights, of course she wanted it! This is a view of so many – if you dress or act promiscuously, you can't be surprised that you were raped; summing it up concisely, Freda Adler once said, “Rape is the only crime in which the victim becomes the accused”. 
This is why the feminist movement is so vital to men, as well as women. Through victim blaming, men are being portrayed as feral beasts who can't control themselves around women, but it's not as if the people who encourage this 'slut shaming', knowingly or not, are uneducated heathens. No, slut shaming has somehow become a part of everyday life, from something as simple as a bit of gossip between friends, to degrading and destructive bullying – all of it. And this is what rape culture is about; the way it has slowly and steadily seeped into the collective mind of society. It has become so second nature to judge a woman on how short her skirt is or, for some, to sympathise with a rapist rather than providing victims of sexual assault with the essential support they need. One in five American women have been the victim of an attempted or completed rape, yet a frankly appalling number of people believe that many reports of rape are fabricated, and respectable institutions like colleges can be openly hostile to rape victims. 
The solution is to educate; teach both girls and boys as early as possible the rights and wrongs, don't let them even consider closing their eyes to the issues, as we've allowed ourselves to do for decades. Rip the poisonous roots of distorted views from where they have grown in a person's mind and replace them with the seeds of a new outlook, for the benefit of everyone. As Buddha would put it, “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”

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