5 Facts about your mighty vagina

What can cause intense pleasure, bleed every month without dyeing and even push out another human yes you're right its your vagina! In short, it's pretty inspiring. Here are some facts so you can know your magical part a little better.

1. There are just over 8,000 nerve endings in your clitoris, while the penis only has a mere 4,000. This accounts for why that tiny area is the most sensitive part of a woman’s body. Powerful sensations can spread across this area affecting 15,000 other nerve endings. The clitoris has more nerve endings than anywhere else on the body. 

 2. Your can expand by up to 200%. The vagina is lined with ringed muscular ridges, these help it expand when necessary, like during intercourse or childbirth.

3. There's no such thing as a "normal" vagina. From the vulva to the labia, they come in all shapes and sizes, so never fret about having a designer vagina. 

4. In case you didn’t know, (call post on discharge) Your vaginas is self-cleaning. 
The vagina is designed to keep itself clean with the help of discharge. 

5. Your vagina won’t be noticeably different after you have babies.

There is actually no statistical difference in average recorded vaginal size between women who’ve had babies and women who haven’t, according to fairly groundbreaking research published in 1996.

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