
Consent means giving permission for something to happen or agreeing to do something, and being comfortable with that decision. 

It doesn’t matter what gender you are, whether you’re straight, gay or bisexual. if you’re planning to do anything sexual then both you and your partner must give consent.

So how do you know if someone gives consent? Its easy you just have to obviously agree to the activity.

It’s not consent if someone does something because they feel like they have to.
You can also never assume that someone is giving consent – you have to be sure.

Consent is an essential part of healthy relationships and it’s really important to know what it is and the many ways to spot it. 

If you want to do something sexual with your partner, the responsibility lies with you to check for consent, not with your partner to say ‘no’ if they don’t want to.
Good communication is a really important part of a healthy relationship. 

They may tell you verbally that they do or do not consent to sex or they may show you through their body language.

Someone cannot assume another person is giving consent. Remember they don’t have to actually say the word ‘no’ and that they can communicate through body language just as much as speech.

If somebody agrees to sexual activity because they’ve been pestered, intimidated, or faced physical or emotional threats, they have not given consent. Consent needs to be given freely.

Signs of being pressured to give consent can include:

•Being made to feel stupid or bad for saying ‘no’

•Being made to feel you have to.

•Someone might try to pressure you by calling you frigid or say ‘if you loved me you would.

•Being encouraged to drink lots of alcohol or take drugs to make you more likely to have sex

•Someone might try to pressure you into something to ‘prove’ you are not lesbian, gay, bi, or transgender

Also being drunk is not consent when you are drunk you cannot make coherent decisions.

A person cannot legally consent when he or she is under the influence. So if someone says yes while drunk or high, this is legally a no. If that person who was intoxicated were to press charges for rape.

So once you're sure you and your partner both give consent 

- have fun babes - 

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